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November 15, 2002 - Friday

Rainy and cold today.

Not a big day as far as interesting things! Work was fine, I wasn't very busy at all, but it was a weird day. With the change in the weather I noticed that students are much more tired than they have been for a while.

I finished work early which was nice for a change. I left before my co-workers.

At the apartment I'm having trouble with the heater. The kerosene is dirty and so it keeps plugging up the filter. I try to clean it, but it doesn't work for long. It's too cold in this weather to put up with that. I hope my husband will fix it soon!

Tomorrow is Van's birthday. I really hope that she got her present by now. I want to call her tomorrow night and see how she is.

My diet is on a bit of a plateau right now. I haven't lost any weight for a few days. Sad that, but I'm persevering.

And that's it. I'm a bit tired so I hope to go to bed early. Night night!

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