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November 16, 2002 - Saturday

Snowy and cold.

Today was a pretty good day. I slept in until almost 10 am and then got up to get ready for work. Fumihiko took me to Mosburger for breakfast. I had a hamburger sans bun and a salad with some jasmine tea. Yum.

Work was good today. I was a bit busy, but really not too bad at all. All but one student came today, and my last class was especially fun. We talked about Thanksgiving and food all class. It was quite interesting. For the finale I had then create their own recipe for Pumpkin Pie. That was a hoot!

After work Fumihiko took me out for yakiniku. It was great. I really enjoyed it. We had lots of veggies too. Yum yum. Then we came home as I wanted to call my sister.

Today is Van's birthday, so "Happy Birthday Van". We had a long chat on the phone...around 45 minutes worth. Good job that I am paying for it!

Anyway, that's pretty much all that I have to say for today. Catch you later. Night-night!

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