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November 23, 2002-Saturday

Clear and sunny day, not too cold either.

We had a great day today. We slept in and when I woke up Fumihiko was already getting dressed. He wanted to wash his car but I suggested that he open his present instead. He loved it! I got him the boxed set of the Rocky Movies, including the special edition of the first one. He popped in the DVD right away and we watched about half of the movie before we went out for brunch.

We went out for yakikniku and then we went to Mikawa mall. Of course, we wanted to see Harry. Yep, today was the grand opening of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We bought our tickets, okay, I bought the tickets and then we went to play our silly coin games. We did quite well and managed to keep playing for a long time. However, we did run out of coins before the movie started.

The movie was great. It was fun and exciting and a little creepy in places, just excellent. I had a blast. I was a little disappointed that Kenneth Branagh didn't have more to do, but then again, he has the tendency to overact at times, so it may be just as well!

After the movie, we left the mall and went to Sakata for supper to M's Dining. I had chicken and steak, and Fumihiko had steak. We also had salad and the drink bar. Yum yum.

We went to the Jusco near the restaurant to pick up some cake for Fumihiko and his Mum (after all, what's a birthday without cake?) and some marscapone cheese for me. I'm on a low carb diet and I can't eat cake.

We came home and Fumihiko made decaf coffee while I served the cake. The cake looked good, but I think I got the best of the situation!

After cake I did the dishes and then we came upstairs and watched the rest of Rocky. Then, Fumihiko watched the other parts of the DVD. While he did that, I wrote some of my Christmas Cards. I got 13 done, but I think I have to do a lot more. It's a little interesting at the moment. I have to use my old computer to get addresses and such.

Fumihiko is off taking his shower/bath, then it will be my turn. After that, I plan to watch Dead Again on video. I want a double shot of Kenneth Branagh.

That's my day, it was great, and luckily, Fumihiko thinks so too! I'm glad that his birthday was good for him.

Night night!

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