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November 28, 2002 - Thursday

Rainy and windy day, not nice at all.

This morning at the apartment I slept, despite the banging outside. I was tired, but I woke up in a fret because I thought that I was at home and I'd overslept! Funny how the mind works. I made my lunch, and my breakfast. Yum, yum.

I got off to work a bit late, but made it on time. No problem. I had quite a busy day today, with only one hour of prep time. Luckily I had left many classes prepared from Tuesday, when I had time. Classes went quite well, although many people didn't come to class. Sigh.

After work I checked that my first two classes tomorrow would be okay and then left with my husband. I wasn't feeling very well, and in fact, I'm still not. I was a bit, not dizzy, but having problems walking straight on my way upstairs. A bit scary that.

Fumihiko has the day off tomorrow, so he'll take me to the apartment a bit later and I'll cook breakfast and do my laundry. I hope it goes okay.

Gotta go, Night night!

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