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November 29, 2002 - Friday

Warm and then rainy.

Today was a bit different. I got to sleep in this morning because Fumihiko didn't go to work. So, we slept in and then drove over to the apartment. I got busy. I did laundry, and made breakfast for Fumihiko and I. It was good, but it took a bit of time. I think Fumihiko liked it!

He dropped me off at work and then I worked. I had 5 classes and they went quite well, I think.

After school I went out with Fumihiko and we had yakiniku. It was great. Then we came home and now I'm watching TV while I'm typing.

Last night, while I was browsing the internet I typed in my father's name. I was surprised when I got a match. It's a page written by one of my uncle's grandchildren and he mentioned my father in passing. It was surprising to find that information. Especially since I don't know very much about my family history.

Anyway, I think I'll be off now. Night night!

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