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April 1, 2003 - Tuesday

April 1, 2003 - Tuesday

Beautiful warm day. Clear tonight. The stars are lovely.

Last night my friend Taeko finally made it to Tsuruoka. We took her out for dinner to Cafe Framboise. It was great. I really enjoyed it. Then, we went to karaoke. We didn't get the sound system that we wanted, but actually, it was fine. There wasn't a great selection of English songs, but there was an interesting selection! Songs that I've never seen available before were on their list. Cool.

This morning we got up earlier than usual because Fumihiko has to start work earlier now that it's officially spring. Taeko and I got out at the apartment and I went for a walk. We had some girl-talk before I hit the shower. Then, I cooked breakfast too. It was nice. Of course I just made my usual omelet and bacon, but it is rather good. Taeko seemed to like it a lot.

Sad, but true, it was time for me to leave then. I had to go to work. She left her bag in my apartment and then we walked downtown. I said goodbye to her outside Jusco, and went to work.

I was pretty busy today. I had 6 classes, all of which showed up. Mostly they went well, but I have one that didn't go as well as I hoped. It's a bit sad actually.

After work, Taeko came in to see the school and talk to me! I did my paperwork, and then Fumihiko arrived. We went to the apartment first to pick up Taeko's bag and my laundry. We dropped it off for Taeko and then went out for dinner. I had a burger with steak and cabbage. I splurged on soup and drink bars too! It was nice.

We came home and as I was opening the garage, I noticed how lovely the stars are tonight. I saw an especially bright one tonight. I don't even know if it's a star or a planet. I'd love to know more about the stars, but who has time? Not me!

And that was my day. Of course you could say that was my 2 days, it was good, but I'm a bit tired. I'll be off to bed soon. Night night!

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