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March 30, 2003 - Sunday

March 30, 2003 - Sunday

Not sunny, not cloudy, not too cold. A bit of rain later on.

A good day. When I went to bed it was very late. In fact, the sun was just coming up. Not a good time to go to bed, but, hey, it's Sunday!

I finally woke up around noon and Fumihiko made me some coffee. That was nice! Then we went out to the Daiichi hotel for brunch. It was okay. I took an Earl Grey Decaff tea bag so that I could have some tea there. It was a good idea. I enjoyed it very much!

Fumihiko was keen to see a movie today. He really wanted to see Catch Me if You Can, so we went to Mikawa. When we looked at the start times we realized that it was starting NOW! He bought the movie tickets and I got the drinks. We just made it! It was good, and I enjoyed it. Tom Hanks shows in this film that he has the makings of a great character actor if he ever needs to stop playing the leading man. Christopher Walken really deserved his Oscar nomination as Frank W. Abagnale Sr.

We weren't too hungry yet after the movie so we hiked around the hardware store for a bit then tried to go to a restaurant. The first one we went to was having a special night and wasn't accepting any more patrons for the evening. We drove to another restaurant in Tsuruoka and went there. It was really nice. We had steak in a cream and garlic sauce. Yum. I cancelled dessert and my bread so I didn't break my diet! Afterwards, they even gave us extra coffee. That's almost unheard of here!

We came home and I gave Fumihiko an article in a magazine to read. It was about the person in the movie that we had just seen. It was written for native speakers of English, not for learners. He did have to ask me for help on a few words, but he read it by himself. I'm so proud of him. It isn't easy reading something in another language. I certainly can't do it!

Then he made us some decaf coffee and now we're playing on our respective computers. I'm also listening to my new Styx cd, which apart from having Gowan's A Criminal Mind, pretty much sucks. However, part of it was recorded in my home city, Edmonton, and part in Tokyo, so that's quite cool. It might improve on further listening, but I'm not sure. The only thing that Styx did that I really liked was Mr. Roboto!

Something that is quite interesting is that a girl from my class in Scotland has been writing to me in the last couple of days. She got my email address from a reunion site for my old school in Kirriemuir. I was very surprised and quite happy to hear from her. I haven't heard from anyone in Kirriemuir for a year or two. I suppose I shouldn't say girl! She's probably as old as I am!

Anyway, I'm off to go on line. I may not be writing tomorrow night, as a friend will be visiting. If I can, I will, if I can't, don't miss me too much! Night night!

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