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April 15, 2003 - Tuesday

April 15, 2003 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny day. Really warm, around 20 degrees I think.

I don't want to write too much tonight as I'm not feeling all that great. I'm a little light-headed, but will likely be fine.

This morning I walked, showered, cooked and ate. In other words I had a normal day at the apartment. The only difference is that I actually cooked fish today. I bought some yesterday and treated myself to some.

Work was....okay. It wasn't a great day. Not all of my classes were one person ones today, but most of them were. I also had 2 new classes today. They were old classes, but the people in them have changed so it was a little stressful for me. Oh well. I didn't even go out for lunch today. I decided that I had everything that I needed in the school, so I just stayed there.

After work, I was busy working when Fumihiko called me. I wasn't quite ready to go and put myself into a bad mood. I biked to the apartment, but it wasn't enough to cheer me up. I was a bit cranky for a while, but I did get over it. I think I may be coming down with something as I was and still am a bit woozy and feel a bit dizzy. Poor old me.

Anyway, last night we both sat up in bed for a bit and read a book for a while. No, not the same book, but it was nice. It felt very 50's sitcom ish. The fact that we have separate bed made it even more so!

Anyway, that's it for me. I'm still accepting votes for my poll....see this page for details. A few of my friends have voted, but I'm waiting for your vote.

Night night!

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