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April 29, 2003 - Tuesday

April 29, 2003 - Tuesday

Lovely day all day, at night a little rain.

Today was a lovely lazy day at home! Mostly anyway. I slept in very late today. I remember waking up around 9 when Fumihiko said he was going to make coffee. Then, I woke up again around 11:30 am, a lovely smell of coffee in the air, but no Fumihiko! I had slept for a couple of hours! I couldn't believe it!

When we finished our coffee we decided to put up the window screens. Well, actually Fumihiko's Mum asked us to. I had suggested that we do it a couple of weeks ago, but today was the day. It didn't take too long. I don't think I really helped Fumihiko that much, he did most of it himself, but I was there for moral support.

We left for lunch soon after and went to Edoichi. It was okay. I don't really like that place too much as sometimes the food tastes like it was bleached. But, we haven't been in a few weeks so it was okay.

After lunch we came home and played with Gombei for a while. Then we stretched out on the tatami in the living room and chatted for a while. Fumihiko's Mum had gone out somewhere. We went upstairs and had some coffee and then decided to go out. We went fishing.

We went to Kamo bay. We tried to buy "super bait", but we couldn't get any. We had to buy some other bait. We were fishing for a while but it began to get really dark and I couldn't even see to bait my hook. I demanded that we move to a place with more light! Just then, Fumihiko caught a fish. It was quite small, but he kept it anyway. We did move around to an area with more light, but didn't catch anything. I think Fumihiko got hungry before I did because he suggested that we leave. We went to S-Mall to check the schedule for buses to Yamagata city. I had decided to go to Yamagata tomorrow. However, the bus schedule was horrible for me. The bus was either too too early or too late. So, I changed my mind.

For dinner we went to the izakaya in the station. It was really nice, except for one nasty piece of octopus that I got. Sometimes those things are worse than chewing gum! I couldn't swallow it and I wouldn't break up in my mouth. Yuck. After dinner I made a decision. I decided to go to Sakata tomorrow instead. We went into the station and I wrote down the times of the trains to Sakata. I also wrote down the times of the trains to Akita, in case I get really adventurous and decide to go there instead!

Then we came home where I discovered that someone had been snooping around in our prizes to guess who that was, and had actually taken one of the blankets from my bed. I dunno. If it was me I would have asked for it, but then again, it wasn't. I'm sure she was shocked at the untidiness. I'm not a tidy person. Never have been, probably never will be.

Anyway, that's my day. It was pretty good, except for the room part. It was nice to spend time with Fumihiko here at home. Usually when his Mum is around we go out because it just isn't fun for us to be with her. Oh well. Night night!

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