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April 30, 2003 - Wednesday

April 30, 2003 - Wednesday

Rainy day, bit cold too.

I went to the apartment today with every intention of catching the train to go to Sakata, but, I didn't do it! I was really tired, so I took a nap. When my alarm went off I listened to the rain for a minute and then turned it off and went back to sleep.

When I finally got up I took a shower and cooked my brunch. It was yummy! I decided to do a bit of stamping too. I got out my stuff and used some of my new stamps. They are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to using them later this year. I think I can make some interesting cards.

I also cleaned the bathroom today! Surprise! It was getting a bit grungy so I buckled down and did it. It didn't take long so I guess that it wasn't too bad.

When Fumihiko finished work he drove over to the apartment and we had coffee. Later we went out for dinner to Paris Cinq. It was really nice. I had fish tonight, with pumpkin soup and a shrimp salad. I skipped dessert of course. Still, the meal was nice.

When we came home, Fumihiko and his mother had words. She was still muttering something after he came upstairs. I could hear her, I just couldn't understand her.

I got him to make me a hotel reservation for me for Friday. I'm going to go to Sendai. I don't really need to go, but I don't want to spend all of my Golden Week here in Tsuruoka. Then I watched Charmed. It wasn't one of the best episodes, but it did move the story along a bit.

Now as I write there is a horrible thunderstorm going on outside. I'm wondering if it is really safe to use my computer in this storm. Sure hope so! Anyway, if the weather smartens up, I'll likely go off to Sakata tomorrow. Tune in tomorrow and find out what I do! Night night.

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