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August 6, 2003 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny day. Gorgeous, but too hot for me!

A pretty average sort of day. I was a little late in the morning leaving for work. It seemed like everything I did made me even more late! I hate that.

Work was fine today. I taught my classes, did my prep work for tomorrow and Friday, well some of it anyway! The manager is preparing for a well deserved holiday, so she was busy too. We got time to have a nice chat along the way though.

After work I biked to the apartment. Fumihiko had got there about 2 minutes before I did, so we had a hug and then went in search of dinner. We decided to go to Dan tonight. It was great. They have a lot of choices for me eating low carb. We tried some new stuff tonight too, that was really nice.

We came home via the vending machine for my favourite non caffeine tea, and then arrived home. It's lovely sitting in our air conditioned room. I think the person who invented that machine should be sainted!

Anyway, that was my day. Busy a bit, but not too bad at all. Night night!

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