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Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Sunny and warm, quite nice actually.

Now then, if there are any males reading this update tonight, you might just want to stop now. I'm going to talk about a very personal female topic. Okay? You have been warned.

Today, I went shopping for..... NO, REALLY GUYS, I MEAN IT..... feminine hygiene products. Before I came over here I asked some one who had lived here what was available. She told me that the products here weren't very good and I should arrange with someone to send me some supplies every month. Well, I tried that at first, but it got to be embarrassing when big packets arrived every month.

I finally got up the nerve to check out the Japanese products. It's difficult when you can't actually understand the packaging labels, but they have pictures and gradually I learned some katakana, so I knew what I was buying. In reality I found the Japanese products to be far superior than the ones I could get in North America. Not only that, but it was much easier to buy them here than rely on my friend to send them to me!

Anyway, when I went into the drug store today I got my stuff and took it up to the checkout counter. The woman rang it through and then very nicely put it in a paper bag, sealed it with tape and then put it in a plastic bag with all of my other stuff. It's very discreet. It's a bit different than what they do in Canada, putting them in a see-through plastic bag, on the top so everyone can see them!

Life in Japan. Another view of it.

Night night!

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