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December 1, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy, but no rain and warm!

We had to get up early this morning but it was fine. I had stayed up a bit too late last night, but managed to get up anyway! At the apartment I filled up my kerosene tank and then I went for my walk. I had a great one, and I went for about 45 minutes. I can't do that everyday, but it was nice today. When I went past the shrine there were some priests all dressed up and moving around the grounds. I didn't know what they were doing and if I stayed to watch my heart rate would go down a lot, so I didn't stay.

When I got back to my apartment I took a nap, but only slept for a couple of hours. I did laundry and watched The West Wing. Then I got out my "soup water" from last week. I had cooked a chicken in some chicken boullion and saved the liquid. I added some frozen cabbage and cauliflower.

Then I went out. First I went to the post office and mailed off presents to Michelle and Susan and Steve. That was a huge relief! I made my deadline with them! Then I headed off to the bank to pay my water bill and then went down memory lane! Well, not exactly, but I did bicycle quite a way down the road I used to live on. I went to a place called Kaneta. They sell a lot of clothing there. I'd only ever gone there once before but I had a feeling I could get something for my sister. I looked around the store and finally found something that I thought might do. Actually I found two somethings for her, two something else's for me and something for my husband's Christmas so I think I did really well! Not too expensive, just about right for me I'd say!

With my backpack stuffed full, I came back to the grocery store near my house. I bought lots of groceries. I was quite hungry so I bought too much food! When I got back to my apartment I realized that if I wanted to, I could cook dinner for my lovely husband, so that's what I did. I finished my soup by adding some chicken and cooking it longer. I also added an onion and some eringi mushrooms. I let it simmer away.

When Fumihiko called to tell me that he was finished work and wanted to know where I was, I told him that I was at the apartment and would he please pick up some salad on the way! When he arrived about 30 minutes later I had the table set up for dinner. We had chicken vegetable soup, sausages, salad and fried eringi mushrooms. Even if I say it myself, it was pretty darn good! Fumihiko agreed with me.

After dinner I did dishes and Fumihiko fell asleep. He fell asleep for about 2 hours! I had a really hard time waking him up to go home! I served him a bit of coffee and he woke up.

When we got home I showed him my new stuff, except for his present. Then I tried on some of my dresses. I'm trying to decide what to wear. I tried on my lovely purple dress from a few years ago. It fits very well again. Yay me! I also tried on my nice black dress that I bought last year in Canada. It's gorgeous and I think I'll likely wear it, although I'm very tempted to wear the purple one! And, I tried on a skirt that I bought with a jacket, it's a suit. The skirt never really fitted me that well, but the jacket did, so I wore the jacket a lot. Well, guess what? The skirt fits very well now!

After all the preening that I did in front of the mirror I decided to do the wrapping. I got it all done, sealed up the box, and addressed it. I've asked Fumihiko to mail it for me tomorrow. He said yes. Hurray! I'm so glad! It would be difficult for me to carry it on my bike.

And that's about that. I had a great day. It was so relaxing. I haven't had a "Helen only" day for a while so I feel quite well rested and relaxed. It was also nice to do a bit of cooking for my hubby. I hardly ever do that as I'm at work so darn late all the time.

Gotta go....night night!

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