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November 30, 2003 - Sunday

Rainy and cloudy, but warm all day.

What a day! We got up quite late because we went to bed so late last night. Then, we went to the Daiichi Hotel for our brunch. It was okay. The main course was chicken, but I was afraid that my chicken wasn't cooked enough. I didn't eat it all because it looked a little too red for me.

We stopped off at the 100 yen shop after to get one or two things. About 19 things later, I finally left! But, I got stuff for Christmas sending, so really not too bad. Things like padded envelopes, wrapping paper, that kind of thing, I might as well get there. It's nice and cheap too!

After that we went to the mall where we wandered around, but didn't get too much. We had some coffee, picked up a few travel brochures, and I also got a few things for my friend Susan. I hope she'll like them!

After that we went to Musashi to look at paper for my Christmas letters, which I'll probably not send anyway! So, didn't buy any of that, but I did buy some staples for work and a few other things. We also looked in the pet shop. I was surprised because they actually took the puppies and kittens away from the public eye. I'm so glad! They shouldn't be displayed all day. Fumihiko looked at fish. I think he's thinking about getting some, but I'm not sure about the whole idea! I like to look, but I don't like they way they smell. And they do smell, no matter how clean the tank is. We also saw ferrets...ugh...rabbits, birds and iguanas. I guess I'm just a normal dog/cat sort of person. Maybe. I like other people's dogs best, since I lost my Gypsey.

In the pet store I saw something that I thought was unbelievable. Sanitary napkins for female dogs in season. What the???? How on earth are we supposed to make the dog wear them? I mean, I guess I understand why, but why? They even had different sizes!

We went for dinner to Edoichi. It was fine. I was hungry so I suggested it. I hope it wasn't a bad idea.

After that we were going home reluctantly. I could tell that Fumihiko didn't really want to go home, so I suggested karaoke. He said okay, but his back was really bothering him. We went home to get him some medicine and then, oh dear, it happened. His mother proceeded to yell at him for about 15 minutes. She was angry that we go out all day and don't come home. Well, all I have to say about that is, stop yelling sister and start being nicer to both of us. I personally have no wish to spend time with a woman who won't allow me to speak my own language in front of her, interferes in everything that I do in our house and goes into my bedroom without my permission.

Anyway, Fumihiko finally got out of the house and we went to Maimu, the new one. We asked for a room with lots of English songs and had a great old time! We sang lots of stuff...I did mostly new stuff....I even found a song by The Beautiful South and did that. Yay me! I did All That Jazz from Chicago too. That was a hoot.

When we left, it was around 11. We came home and I packed up a couple of envelopes of Christmas presents for my friends. I also boxed up the stuff for my sister's family, but decided to try and get one or two more things for the box. It seems a little light right now!

I'm now listening to my new Christmas cd. It's okay. I'm not sure I like rap Christmas songs. I'm a bit more traditional than that! Anyway, some of it is really nice. But, why do women try to remake Santa Baby? The definitive version is Eartha Kitt's. It is so awesome. Kylie Minogue gave it a whirl on this cd, and she wasn't bad, but not quite up to Miss Kitt.

And anyway, that's my day. Some parts good, some parts bad.

Night night! Catch me tomorrow I hope!

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