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Wednesday, December 3, 2003

Clear and sunny in the morning, rainy, windy and stormy at night.

Mostly a good day. I went for a walk in the morning and really enjoyed myself again. Then came back to the apartment and napped. Later I showered and made breakfast and lunch. I had soup for breakfast, plus a ham omelet. It was rather nice.

Work was fine today except I wasn't very busy. So, I wrote a bunch of my Christmas Cards for my students. I wrote 19 today. I might not have time to do any tomorrow, but hopefully on Friday I'll be able to do a bunch.

After work I got Fumihiko to come and pick me up. I'll have to pick up my bike tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be able to do that. We came home and ate the nabe that Fumihiko made. It was very good as always. Then, we did dishes and came upstairs. We tried to find somewhere interesting to go on our holiday, but we haven't been able to yet. Sigh.

And that's basically my day. There isn't much to say actually, except they are forecasting snow for the region and I'm scared! I hate snow. I've really been enjoying this extended Autumn.

Gotta go. My headache from last night is back now. Sigh.

Night night!

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