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December 5, 2003 - Friday

Clear day, cold at night, but nice.

Well, I was exhausted at the apartment this morning so I took out some of my garbage, and then fell asleep. No exercise for me. Sigh. Oh well. I also had trouble waking up, so I ended up doing all of my laundry in together and then eating tuna salad for breakfast!

Work was okay today. I wasn't too busy, so I finished up my Christmas cards for my students and then I made a calendar for my students to let them know when I'm on holiday or away. I also went to the 100 yen shop to get some prizes for our party. I think it'll be fun.

My last two classes went quite well too, and we all had fun I think.

After work I finished up fairly quickly and then I met my hubby at my apartment. Tonight we went to Gyu-oh for yakiniku. We had some nice stuff tonight. We had chicken, beef, pork, egg soup and even seaweed Korean style. Everything was great.

We came home and spent some time talking together for a while. That was really nice. Then I took a shower and when I came back, Fumihiko gave me some coffee. It was strong, but good. I had a good day, if a bit slow. Tomorrow I'll be a bit busier though, it should be a nice change.

That's it for now! Gotta go...night night.

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