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December 6, 2003 - Saturday

Rainy, little bit of snow, didn't stay though.

Okay, I wrote this on Sunday, but I got home late on Saturday!

Saturday was a busy day at work, but it was mostly good. I had 6 classes and everyone happened! I yelled at my last class though because they were all at least 15 minutes late. Hah! The nerve! Still, we had a fun class.

After school the staff and Fumihiko went to Showya, the izakaya in the train station. It was really nice, but I for one was very tired. Around midnight I asked if we could all go because I really was tired. Fumihiko drove people home and then we went home.

At home we snuggled up on the bed together and fell asleep! It was 2 am when I woke up and realized that it was just too late to write this entry, so I went to bed. Sorry to all!

During the day I felt a little dizzy. I even considered going home for a few brief moments, but decided to tough it out. I don't want to give up any of my vacation for any reason!

And that was Saturday. On to Sunday!

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