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December 7, 2003 - Sunday

Clear but cold, a little snow at night.

This morning I slept in really late, and so did my husband! Usually he gets up long before me, but today he didn't. It was so nice, and relaxing to sleep as long as I wanted to. I highly recommend it!

We got up and went out to Edoichi. It was okay, but I broke my own rule and had some of the veggies from the salad bar. I'm not sure just how well they are cleaned, I always seem to get sick after eating them. Sadly, today was no exception.

After a very late lunch we went to Marica so I could get my hair cut. She was busy when we first got there, but afterwards, I got in. I didn't take my own book this time so I had to find a style from one of hers. I don't really like the styles for young Japanese women as they are all "bitty". Hair is sticking out every which way, not very professional at all! I found a style that I liked in a book for older women, so I got that. It looks pretty good I think.

After my haircut we went over to Mikawa Mall to see a movie. We went to see Finding Nemo, which was great! I really enjoyed it. It was very funny. I was happy to note that the starfish was played by Alison Janney, from my favourite TV program, The West Wing. I had a good laugh at parts of the movie. It was sweet and funny too.

When the movie got out we went to a restaurant downstairs for shabu-shabu. It was good, but we ate way way too much! So much meat in one day. Yuck! Yes, I did say that.

We came home and finally started working on New Years Cards. I don't know quite when we'll start working on them for real, as we now have about 80 to do, but at least we worked out a few patterns tonight. I've been bugging Fumihiko to get started on them for weeks, but.....

Anyway, that's my day. I'm going off to bed soon. I'm a bit tired and feeling a little under the weather again. Sigh. Just what I don't need. Gotta go....night night!

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