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Monday, December 8, 2003

Rainy, snowy, and cold today.

A nice relaxing day. At the apartment this morning I went to sleep for hours! Oops. Fumihiko called me and woke me up, but it was okay. I was glad to talk to him. I took a shower, cooked breakfast and then I wrote a few Christmas cards. I went out to the post office and the bank, mailed my cards and then bought my groceries.

When I came back to my apartment I put away the groceries and then I wrote more cards. I haven't finished them all yet, but I got a lot of them done. Hurray! I'm so glad.

Fumihiko came and got me around 7 and we bought kerosene, then we went to dinner at Cafe Framboise. It was okay tonight. They have really nice coffee there. Yum yum.

We came home after dropping off my kerosene and I found that I had some mail waiting for me. I got a package from Michelle, and 2 magazines. Hurray! I worked on stamping for a while, but then I quit because Fumihiko wanted to go to bed. He doesn't feel very well, I think he didn't sleep well enough last night. Well enough, and long enough actually.

And, that, was my day. Not too exciting, except I finally buckled down and got a few cards written. Yay for me!

I'll be a tad busy at work tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night night!

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