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December 12, 2003 - Friday

Rainy but fairly warm all day.

I had a terrible night. I had taken both cold medicine and stomach medicine before I went to bed and they kept me awake most of the night. I kept waking up. I think I was afraid I would oversleep.

At the apartment this morning I was very tired, but I started my laundry, packed up the dry stuff, and wrote 3 Christmas cards. I did two loads of laundry and hung them up before I took a mini nap. Later I took a shower and cooked breakfast, but not lunch. Some silly person (that would be ME) forgot to take out something from the freezer yesterday, so I didn't have a homemade lunch today.

I left for work a bit late and decided to mail off my cards during lunch rather than before work. Work was okay today. I only had 3 lessons today. Yikes! So, to keep myself busy I prepared all of Tuesday's lessons and wrapped up the stuff for the Christmas Party. I think I did a good job and the package looks quite nice, if a bit lop-sided.

I had a bit of a surprise in my last class last night as a student showed up that I wasn't expecting! It was nice to see him, but I wasn't expecting him at all. Still, the more the merrier, so it was a nice thing.

After work I cycled to my apartment and just beat Fumihiko there. I was locking up my bike when he arrived. When he asked me where I wanted to go for dinner I wasn't really sure. I wasn't too too hungry, and neither was he. So, we decided to go to Tsukiya, a gyudon shop. I had gyu-zara, salmon and miso soup. It was really nice. We haven't gone there in ages so it made a nice change.

We came home and spent a bit of time with each other, then Fumihiko went to sleep. The poor guy is really really tired. He's not feeling well, and I'm getting a bit worried about him. He has medicine from the doctor, but it doesn't seem to be helping that much.

Anyway, I should be off soon. I have a mediumly busy day tomorrow...6 classes. Not too bad. That's it from me for tonight. Night night everyone!

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