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December 11, 2003 - Thursday

Clear and reasonably warm, rain at night.

This morning at the apartment I wrote 3 Christmas cards and then I took a nap. Later, I cooked breakfast, lunch and did the shower thing. I also watched Roswell and State of Grace.

I was moderately busy at work today. Five out of six lessons happened and we also had a staff meeting. I think that classes went well too.

After my last class I rode my bike to the apartment and Fumihiko met me there. We went to Cocos which may or may not have been a good idea.

Fumihiko went to the doctor today and got some medicine. He has a nasty cold and now I think I do too. I started having a runny nose in my last couple of classes. I don't feel that well, and now I seem to have an upset stomach on top of everything else. Sigh.

I have to go....I'm tired and I need some sleep. Night night!

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