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December 14, 2003 - Sunday

Rainy but warm most of the day.

Okay, I'll get the big news of the day out of the way. Saddam Hussein was captured today. No more comments about that.

It was our Christmas party today. Fumihiko and I went to a McDonalds outlet to get a quick snack before the party, he was starving, and I was too!

The party was fun, even though there were hardly any people there. I think we had around 10 people, which is almost a crime. I am so disappointed with the turnout this year. We had about 30 people at our Halloween Party, so what the heck happened? We did our gift exchange...I got a towel and a stuffed animal which I gave to someone else! I kept the towel though! I ate a ton at the party, but it was really good. I had 3 kinds of meat, soup, salad, and oolong tea. It was pretty good for the price.

After the party I came home and worked on nengajo with Fumihiko. HIs Mum started to yell at him until she heard what we were doing! They look pretty good. We did two main patterns. Next year is the year of the monkey, so the designs are quite cute!

We went out for dinner after 9 to Gusto and I tried something new. I had the pork kimchi burger, with soup and salad, plus drink bar. I managed to stay away from the coffee this time though. Yay me.

We came home and I did up some more cards. I still have to stamp a bit more tomorrow, but it won't take too long as they are nearly done. I think it'll be easier if they are a bit drier! Then I made our beds and checked my email. You know, regular computer stuff. And that's about it.

Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment for a day of rest I hope! Nighty-night!

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