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December 15, 2003 - Monday

Clear, sunny and warm!

What a lovely day, weather-wise and other wise too! This morning I went for a walk. It was the first time I've gone out in over a week, so it wasn't very good, but I was still glad that I went. It's was really nice that it wasn't raining for a change.

Also this morning I took a nap, did laundry, finally finished up my's been sitting on my table waiting for me to finish it, watched The West Wing, then went out. I got some money from the post office for our trip, then I went over to the grocery store and bought my supplies for the week. I had to get an extra couple of things because I'll be staying over at the apartment for one night.

When I got back to the apartment I started making soup, and I also started to watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles. A co-worker had loaned the video to me. Believe it or not, but I've never actually watched it before! When it came out I didn't like John Candy very much and was a bit iffy about Steve Martin, but now I like both of them. It was really funny. I left it on when Fumihiko arrived and he was howling at it too. It was sweet and funny. I was surprised!

I gave Fumihiko a bowl of my soup and he said it was great! I'm glad about that! I didn't have any yet though. Then, we decided to go to Sakata for dinner. The closer we got the more I realized that I really wanted Indian food, so we went to an Indian restaurant there. It was great. Yum. I had the mixed tandori grill, shish kebab, shrimp, and tandori chicken. I held the nan, and swapped my curry with Fumihiko because mine was a bit too sweet for me.

After dinner we made a quick stop at the mall, I'm not sure what for! Anyway, we looked at dvds and I pointed out a few that I'd like to Fumihiko. Then, we bumped into Chris, the teacher from Sakata. He was with a friend and on his way to see The Last Samurai. We said "bye" and then they left.

We came home and finished, really finished our nengajo. I finished stamping the ones I started from last night and then Fumihiko and I wrote out our cards. We both got them done. I might have to do a few more as some people send some to us that we haven't sent to yet, but hopefully I won't have to do too many of those! Want a sneak preview of my cards? Oh, okay. Here you are! nengajo 2003

And that was my day. Not too bad for a change. Nice and relaxing I'm happy to say.

Night night everyone!

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