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December 17, 2003 - Wednesday

Clear, warm day, rather nice. Rainy a bit at night.

A pretty good day. This morning I really didn't want to get up though. I did, but when I got to the apartment I just filled up the kerosene tank and went to sleep. Oh dear! Later I made breakfast and lunch and did all of those normal everyday things that I do every day.

Work was fine today too. I had the last lesson of the year for my 6 year old student. He's very funny. We sang Christmas songs together and I was surprised that he knew some that we didn't learn in class. We also made some Christmas stockings out of paper.

I think classes went okay today. They were rather fun actually. But, after work I stayed for a while doing paperwork and hoping that the telephone would ring. It didn't. Sigh. Where is my husband? He's at a Bonnenkai, having a wonderful time, I hope!

Now I'm at my apartment watching Roswell and having a wonderful time! I ate a lovely dinner of Chicken soup and salad. It was great. I followed it up with some marscapone cheese and then a few snacks. Yum.

I might have a bath after I write this, or I might just go to bed. I haven't decided yet. I don't often get these lovely evenings to myself so I want to enjoy myself as much as possible!

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight! Have a good one. Night night!

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