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December 18, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy, drizzly sort of day. Not cold yet!

A pretty good day. I took a bath after last night's entry and then went to bed. I slept very well, not waking up until 9:00 am. I extended my sleep for a while, and finally got up around 10:15! I put away my futon and stuff and then I cooked breakfast....chicken soup and got ready for work.

I biked to work, which wasn't so nice as it was raining at the time! However, work was fine today. I really enjoyed myself. I had 5 classes out of 6, plus a teacher's meeting, so I was reasonably busy.

After work it was raining really hard so I asked Fumihiko to come and pick me up. However, by the time he got there, the rain has stopped! It was quite funny. He drove me and my bike to the apartment where I picked up some stuff, including my computer.

We went to M's Dining for dinner and we had hamburgers and steak. Well, I had steak. And I opened and read my Christmas cards. I got a lot today! I got 6 cards in the mail. Wahoo! I was really glad for a change!

We came home and Fumihiko popped in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. He missed the first part of it the other night, and wanted to see the rest. We'll probably turn off the video soon and go to bed.

Catch you tomorrow! Night night.

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