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Tuesday, February 4, 2003

Tuesday, February 4, 2003

A bit snowy, but generally a nice day.

I had a pretty good day today. I went to the apartment and took a nap before watching TV and making breakfast and lunch. Then I left for work.

Work was good today, except two of my classes didn't come as they were sick or busy. However, another class did give me a birthday present. They gave me two tickets to see Lord of the Rings, the second one. It's a cool present, because that's what they gave me last year too. They know that I am a movie fanatic.

I prepped all of my lessons for today and also my first two on Friday. I didn't want to worry about them over my holiday. I think they'll be okay. I also spoke with the sub teacher that's visiting our school about what to do in some of my classes in the future and he had some great ideas.

After work my lovely husband picked me up and we went to M's Dining for dinner. I had a couple of cups of coffee and am now bouncing off the walls! I guess I am one of those people who can't handle caffeine very well. Still, it did taste darn good.

We came home and now I'm writing this. I know that I said I wouldn't write tonight; well, I did! But, I'm not going to post it until after my mini break. What is it that Bridget said? "Everyone knows that a mini break means true love?" Something like that anyway!

Anyway, I'm off. See you later! Night night.

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