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Friday, February 21, 2003

Friday, February 21, 2003

A bit cold and snowy today, although the snow didn't stay on the ground.

Big news! Tsuruoka has a 24 hour grocery store! I was shocked and amazed, but in a good way, I assure you! Last night we went there to pick up a few things for my apartment and the sign said that it was open 24 hours. Amazing.

Today was fine, although I wasn't very busy. I seem to be very tired again, as usual. I often think it's more tiring not being busy, than being busy! After work we went to Shimi's restaurant where we had a nice dinner.

I left late for work this morning and really had to hot foot it to work. I will try and be on time! I'll try, really I will. Someday!

I also got an invitation to my friend Taeko's wedding in a couple of months. It's very nice to be invited as a couple. It's not usual to be invited that way in Japan. I'm not complaining at all.

Anyway, it's late and I'm tired and I still have to take a shower, so I'll end this now. Night night!

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