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Saturday, February 22, 2003

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Cold day with some rainy snowy stuff. Didn't last though.

Work was busy, I was supposed to have 7 classes, although one double cancelled so I was okay. I got some paperwork done in the empty time. Classes generally went well.

After school, we went to M's Dining for dinner. I had steak and soup. It was nice. I also had a cup of coffe, which may explain why I'm still up at my computer at 3:40 am! Silly me!

When we came home we put on a movie, The Frighteners, with Michael J. Fox. I rather liked the film, so I'm not sure why it didn't do well. Now of course everyone is a big fan of Peter Jackson, but back then he was just another small time director....

I'm reading a rather fascinating book at the moment. It's called Rachel's Holiday and it's by Marian Keyes. She's an Irish writer and I've read 3 or 4 of her books. If she's written 4 that is! This one is about a woman in rehab for drug addiction. It's quite interesting, especially as the heroine is not always to be trusted. Good fun read. I know, the subject matter doesn't make it seem like it could be a fun read, but it is!

Anyway, that's it for tonight. Night night!

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