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Sunday, February 23, 2003

Sunday, February 23, 2003

A really great day. Weather was nice and warm too.

I didn't go to bed last night until after 4 am, so this morning Fumihiko got up around 10. I woke up but promptly fell back asleep again. I reawoke around 12! It was so nice to sleep in.

We went out for yakiniku for lunch, but not to the usual place. We went to another buffet style restaurant. It was quite nice, and we ate a lot...I think!

Then we went to Marica where I got my hair cut. Finally! It looks so good. My stylist did such a good job of it. I really like it. It's short, but not too short. After I bought some stuff at the 100 yen shop. That was nice for a change. I never go there and it's right across the street from where I work! Doesn't make sense does it?

We drove to Mikawa mall via Mosburger for a couple of bottles of jasmine tea. At the mall, we went to "The Reform Shop" to get more of my pants shortened. I'm having 2 pairs re-shortened, 2 pairs shortened and my jacket fixed. I got a 20% off card for my birthday, so it wasn't too expensive either. Yay. Fumihiko and I checked out the theatre listings, but the only thing that we wanted to see was Lord of the Rings and we decided not this weekend. It's the first weekend out and his back is bothering him. I don't want to make the poor guy sit still for over 3 hours when he's in pain.

We drove back to Tsuruoka, stopping at his office. I actually got to go in and see where he works! I've been married to him for over a year, and it's the first time I've ever seen where he works. It wasn't that exciting really, but I'm glad to see his office does exist!

We decided to go to LaChance, a French restaurant for dinner, but it looked really quiet. We parked the car and as we were walking into the restaurant, they turned off the lights. We were really disappointed, but the chef opened the door and saw us, so he let us come in! Wasn't that nice of him? We had steak in a garlic cream sauce, with a lovely salad to start. The dessert looked good, although I didn't have any.

When we finished dinner we went to my apartment to take showers! We also drank some decaf coffee, and watched the end of a crazy Jackie Chan movie. It was badly dubbed into English, but it was kind of fun, so worth watching! Then, we came home. That was my day. I'm off to sleep soon. I'm a bit tired. Tomorrow, Fumihiko took the day off so that he can go to the doctor. His back is quite bad and is giving him a lot of trouble at the moment.

I'm off to bed soon. I'm still reading my book, although I'm just about done. I hope I can get some time to finish it tomorrow. Night night.

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