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Monday, February 24, 2003

Monday, February 24, 2003

A beautiful warmish day.

I had a great day today, although I really didn't deserve to. We slept in, yes even on a Monday, because Fumihiko took the day off because he had backache again. I was a little angry at first because Monday is "Me time"and I haven't had a Monday to myself in a few weeks. He went to the doctor and I went to the apartment where I did laundry and watched TV. When he finished at the doctor we went to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch. It was quite nice. I had fish today. Yum. I like fish when it doesn't have bones!

After lunch we went to the International Center. We thought that there was an art show on, but we got the dates wrong. We went in and read some books or magazines for a while, and I grabbed a few new books. Then we went for a drive. We drove along the ocean, to a bit past Atsumi Onsen. It was nice and peaceful. We tried to go through the mountains to come back, but the roads were still closed so we couldn't.

When we came back to Tsuruoka we got kerosene for my apartment (and a few groceries too). Then we went out for dinner. We went to a new for us yakiniku restaurant, Ichigo. It was pretty good, although the service wasn't that great. About 5 minutes after we sat down, 3 people came in to the restaurant. Two of them were my students! We didn't really talk to each other, we just waved and smiled.

I was about to suggest that we go home after dinner, but Fumihiko started saying something about going to the karaoke box to pick up his member's card! I was really surprised because it's usually me that suggests karaoke. We went for 2 hours. It was a lot of fun. I sang a ton of songs and quite a few medleys. They are sometimes hard, but when there's a good one it can make your day. The Billy Joel one was great, the Bee Gees one wasn't. I also tried an Alanis Morissette song, Ironic. I enjoyed it, even though I did it badly!

Then we came home. It was a lot of fun today. I'm sorry that I got so cranky about "giving up" my free day. I probably had a better time with Fumihiko than I would have without him.

And that's my day. Tomorrow, I'm back to work. Later!

Oh, and before I forget, here's a picture of me with my brand new haircut. Not bad eh?Photobucket

Night night!

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