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February 28, 2003 - Friday

February 28, 2003 - Friday

A bit cold in the morning, afternoon and evening. Still some snow but roads are better now.

I had a pretty good day. I wasn't very busy so I was able to do a lot of planning and paperwork. It was a good thing, because I hate doing paperwork. Sigh.

I went out for lunch today and had "Twin Hamburgers". It was nice. I got them to leave off the high carb sauces and just use cheese. Yay me! It worked. I even seemed to get more than one piece of broccoli too.

After school I finished early and called Fumihiko to pick me up. He was on his way from the mall anyway. He had picked up my clothes after I had them mended or hemmed. He didn't forget. Yay him. He also picked up supper too. We had a raw salmon salad, steak, and yakitori. It was all really good.

And, my birthday present from my sister arrived. I got some decaf tea, and some clothes. I got a top and 2 skirts, all in black. They are great and they all fit well. My niece Katie picked out my skirts but Vanessa didn't seem to be too sure!

We watched the end of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and then the end of a David Frost interview about Iraq. It was good.

That's about it for my day. I'm tired because I had to get up early, but I did get a couple of hours of sleep at the apartment today. I slept too long as a matter of fact! Night night!

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