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March 1, 2003 - Saturday

March 1, 2003 - Saturday

A busy Saturday. The weather was cold and rainy most of the day.

This morning we went to Gusto for our breakfast. Fumihiko had what I usually had, and I had steak. That was kind of funny. It was nice, but I think I prefer my usual! There's more to eat with it.

At work I was moderately busy. I had 6 lessons, and everyone showed up that was supposed to. One of my classes started 20 minutes late because both students were that late! And then, one of them had to leave halfway through. How annoying!

After work I had to do more paperwork than usual to get things ready to be sent in for our head office. Usually that isn't my job, but this time it was. Oh well. That's not so bad actually.

We came home tonight and had shabu-shabu again. It was nice. We also had some vegetables and squid sashimi. Yum. We watched the end of Enemy of the State which I didn't really watch as I was busy reading magazines that my friend sent me. Yay!

And that was it. Not much exciting, just a basically nice day! Night night!

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