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January 12, 2003 - Sunday

January 12, 2003 - Sunday

Cool day, but clear and nice.

Today was a pretty good day! It had a great ending anyway. We came home and watched LA Confidential with Russell Crowe and then came upstairs to watch Ally McBeal. While I was waiting for the show to start, I tried on some of my old clothes. They all fit. In fact, some of them were just too big. Darn! I'm very sad about that. Not!

This morning Fumihiko put Wayne's World on. I was laughing my head off, but we had to leave in the middle because my husband was famished. Poor thing. I wanted to watch the movie first, but we couldn't.

We went to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch. It wasn't as great as it was the last time we went, but it was okay. Then, we went to the Shrine to visit Fumihiko's Father's grave. It was a little sad, but nice too.

After that we drove to the Mall and had a look at the movies. The mall was really crowded and I was uncomfortable. And, there weren't any good movies playing there. So, we left and went to the beach. We drove to Yunohama and took a walk on the beach. It was darn cold, but nice too. It was also quite romantic.

We drove back to Tsuruoka and went shopping. We didn't actually buy anything besides a plant, but it was nice to be out together. After a while, we went for supper. We went to Edoichi again. We had some good food and even saw a couple of other foreigners that I know.

After dinner, we came home and you know the rest. It was a nice day and we enjoyed spending it together.

That's it for my day. Nice one, eh? Night night.

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