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January 21, 2003 - Tuesday

January 21, 2003 - Tuesday

Cold, windy and miserable day today.

Quite a busy day today at work. I had 6 lessons and a telephone meeting. I felt a bit rushed all day.

In the morning I cooked the last of my food in the apartment after taking a long nap.That was nice, except I really didn't want to wake up afterwards. I'd had an early start in the day, we had to leave the house around 7:30am. Sigh. Too early for this night owl.

Classes went well at work and most people came. That was good. I've also come up with a cunning plan to do something for Hitomi's leaving! I won't tell you what it is though.

Fumihiko was very tired tonight and overslept when he was supposed to call me. Luckily I wasn't too upset! He came and got me and we ate an interesting meal of rare roast beef and sashimi. It was good.

I watched Due South again. It just cracks me up. I know it's a little cornball, but it's a lot of fun too. Tonight someone asked Frazer if he could speak English and he said "I speak Canadian." Good line!

Anyway, I gotta go. I've had a lot of late nights lately and I need some serious shuteye. Good night...and happy trails to you!

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