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January 27, 2003 - Monday

January 27, 2003 - Monday

Rainy but warm day.

I mostly had a good day today. I went to the apartment bright and early with Fumihiko, and promptly took a long nap. I slept for about 3 and a half hours. I couldn't really begrudge myself the rest as it was so nice to get it.

When I woke up I went out. I went to the bank to pay my water bill. I was going to go to the post office to use their machine, but there was a line up and it was malfunctioning, so I decided to skip it and go later.

I went to the grocery store and just as I walked in, ran into one of my ex students. He was very surprised to see me as he thought I still lived in Hokkaido. We chatted for a while and he promised to email me. What a blast from the past! A good one though.

I went back to the apartment with my groceries and I ate lunch and then did a bit of work on my computer. I also put some of my cds into the computer.

I had some problems with my stomach in the afternoon and when Fumihiko showed up, I was still sick a bit. We waited for a while and finally went out for dinner. We went to M's Dining. I didn't mind tonight! I had steak, soup and salad and it was rather nice. I stuck to tea for the drink bar too.

Then we came home. I seem to be okay now, but I'm just going to take things easy tonight and not get too excited about anything.

And that was my day. It was pretty good, except for getting sick in the middle. Anyway, back to work tomorrow. Night night!

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