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July 3, 2003 - Thursday

July 3, 2003 - Thursday

Cloudy and then a bit rainy at night.

A pretty good day. We actually got to sleep in until 7:30 am this morning. That was nice. This morning we left before 8 am and then Fumihiko drove me to the apartment. I took another nap there! I was still tired. This sleep apnea stuff is really draining.

I was quite busy at work today. I had 4 classes and 2 open classes. The students who came to my open classes were a bit low so it was a struggle, but the important thing is that they enjoyed it.

After work I phoned a friend of mine and made some plans for Saturday night. I think that we'll go out for dinner or something. It sounds like fun. We might bicycle, depending on the weather.

Fumihiko and I went out to Kamerotei tonight. They've changed their menu. It's still good, but our old standby favourite, mori-mori set has vanished. Still, we did have egg soup and some jasmine tea with our meal...yum yum yum.

And that was it for my day. Another not too exciting day, but maybe they are better that way??

Night night!

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