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July 4, 2003 - Friday

July 4, 2003 - Friday

Cloudy and a bit rainy.

It was a Selfish Giant sort of day. Every morning as I go to work I pass a beautiful walled in garden. I always wonder why it's walled in. Is there a Mrs. Rochester lurking about? (Okay, I'm mixing my literary genres...sue me!) Last summer I got small glimpses of the garden as a new wall was built around it. Today when I was walking to work I got a good look. The gate had been taken down and a lot of ground had been torn up inside. What's happening? Are they building a stronger gate? Or have they decided to open up the garden to viewers like me who long for some beauty in this suburban life of mine? I'm not sure at this point, but I'll try and keep my readers informed!

The rest of the day was quite boring. I had open classes which I prepared for last Saturday, but no-one came for them. That was sad.

After work I went home with my husband and he cooked me a lovely meal. He's a great cook.

That's my day....Later!

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