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July 2, 2003 - Wednesday

July 2, 2003 - Wednesday

A little cloudy, but not rainy. Hurray for that.

Five am is very early! Poor Fumihiko had to get up around then to go to work. That meant I had to get up early too if I wanted a ride to the apartment. I did. I still can't walk very well, so the idea of walking all the way there later in the day didn't appeal to me!

When I got to the apartment I slept for about 3 hours. I felt a bit guilty but that didn't stop me!

Work was fine today. I had a pretty good day. I had a ton of paperwork to do, stuff that I had forgotten to do before I left. Sigh. I even had an open class today. I rather enjoyed it. I taught about listening.

After work we went out for dinner to M's Dining. It was nice, but we didn't see any frogs this time. Then we came home and I unpacked my suitcase. Marriage may be good for making me do things like that in a timely fashion. I also watched Charmed, which was quite good tonight. I'm looking forward to next week too!

Not much to write about tonight. Sorry about that!

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