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July 5, 2003 - Saturday

July 5, 2003 - Saturday

Cloudy, but not rainy I think.

I had a good day. This morning I slept in and actually woke up before my husband! We got up a bit late and even though he wanted to make me coffee, we really didn't have time for it. We went to Mosburgers for breakfast. It was good. I had a burger sans bun and a salad, he had nan tacos and salad. His looked really good, but was a bit messy.

Work was fine today. One class didn't show up, but the rest were good. In my last class we finally finshed a textbook that we've been working on for about a year and a half. I'm looking forward to starting the new one.

After work I did something different for a change! I went to a friend's house for dinner. It was really nice. She made a great salad, chicken, tofu and marinated salmon. Everything was delicious and good for my diet. We stayed talking and eating and drinking coffee for a couple of hours.

When I got home Gombei woke up the neighbours for miles around and then I finally got to say hello to my husband! He was upstairs watching Rocky, one of his favourite movies! I'm now using my computer and watching a bit too.

And that was my day. It was quite nice. I hope that tomorrow is good too. Night night!

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