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Monday July 21, 2003

Monday July 21, 2003

Rainy and cloudy, some sun too.

Well, we're finally back from Niigata. It was a long trip too! It takes about 3 hours to drive there. We went in yesterday to do some shopping and some fishing.

I finally got copies of the Harry Potter books. I didn't get the new one, but I almost did. The reason I didn't was that it's just in hardcover. I'd like to, but the other books aren't in hard cover so they wouldn't match. Oh well, next time maybe! Fumihiko was a little shocked because my book purchase totalled more than 20, 000 yen. Books are expensive in Japan!

We did go to Starbucks and the Virgin Megastore too. I got a few interesting cds. I could only find one DVD though, it was a bit sad. Oh well. I finally finished up my Virgin Card. Now I have to redeem it. Yay me!

Today we went fishing. It was really cloudy and rainy so I didn't wear sunscreen. Big mistake. I burnt the back of my neck. It's very red and quite painful! Fumihiko even went out to get me some stuff for it...what a sweetheart! We were fishing in Niigata Port. I caught only one fish, but Fumihiko caught a few. I was happy with my few though. I didn't want very many.

We came home, with a few stops along the way. We stopped for yakiniku for dinner. It was good, but I wasn't too sure about the restaurant! It was one of those old and a little rundown places that are common in Japan near the highway.

Anyway that's pretty much it. Not much to talk about. A mostly good weekend, spent with my husband. Sadly, I don't get a long weekend. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Sigh.

Night all!

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