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July 22, 2003 - Tuesday

July 22, 2003 - Tuesday

Sunny and hot all day today. Is summer finally here?

A not too exciting day, but not too bad either. It was hard to get up this morning. I wanted to keep sleeping. However, I went to the apartment and did my laundry today. I got it done. Yay!

A slight problem for me was that I didn't have very much to eat. I had to eat a diet bar and some bacon. I went shopping on my lunch hour though and I got some food so don't despair for me!

Classes were mostly fine, one didn't happen because the student was busy, but the others were good. In my kids class we ended up making parachutes. That was fun. I'm not sure about the kids sometimes, but they love doing things.

After work Fumihiko met me at the apartment where I left my laundry, by mistake! Oh well. We went to Gusto for tonight and had chicken and caesar salad. Well I did anyway, Fumihiko had noodles and half of my salad!

We came home and he opened the present I gave him....some Lego. Yay! He made up the little figure. I'm silly, but it's fun.

Anyway, that's it. Night night.

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