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July 26, 2003 - Saturday

July 26, 2003 - Saturday

Cloudy with a small amount of rain. Cold.

Last night as I was putting finishing touches on my entry, an earthquake hit us. It wasn't too bad, only a level three, but enough to set the windows rattling and scare me! In Miyagi prefecture it was a lot stronger, about level 6.

Then, this morning around 7:00 am, while I was innocently sleeping in my bed, we got hit by another one! This one was much stronger but didn't last too long. I went back to sleep afterwards!

This morning my sweetie made me coffee and then took me to Gusto for breakfast. I had my usual mixed grill and drink bar. They have nice teas there. I love lavender tea.

Work was fine. I was very busy as I had 7 classes. I also had to call some of my students to cancel tomorrow's barbecue. Sadly we didn't have enough students sign up, so we'll try again next month. I got my paperwork done quite early and waited for my beloved to come and get me!

He took me out for dinner, good guy that he is, and we had a nice talk. At the end though it got a bit sad as I was remembering my student that died about 5 years ago.

When we got home we discovered that there was lots of mail for us. I got a catalogue from the Foreign Buyers Club, and the Alumnai newsletter from my University. The reunion this year is for, among others, former Resident Life Staff. I was an RA for 3 years, so I guess I could go back. The problem is that Camrose is Very Far Away, and it's always difficult to get time off work! Fumihiko had a lucky thing happen though, he won ¥50,000 in travel coupons from his Toyota Dealership! A couple of weeks ago we entered a contest there while the oil was being changed. Today, we got a big envelope from Toyota and he had won! Yay! That's really cool. I told him that he can't use the coupons to run away from me!

And that was my day. My nose is still running like a tap, it's driving me a bit crazy actually. I guess it's better than being plugged up though. And on that note, I'll bid you adieu. Adieu!

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