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June 11, 2003 - Wednesday

June 11, 2003 - Wednesday

Sunny and hot, but felt a bit muggy later on.

An okay day today. I went for a walk in the morning and then tried to do a different pilates routine than usual. Well, I couldn't do it! I gave up after about 10 minutes! Oh dear. Better luck next time!

Work was fine today. The manager wasn't there today, so I had to open up. That was okay.

I wasn't too busy today with classes, but I did lots of other things. I did paperwork, and writing to students and all kinds of things.

After work I finished work early and Fumihiko picked me up. We went to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner. We got a lot, too much even! I told Fumihiko to take some for breakfast tomorrow! We did dishes then came upstairs and watched Charmed. It was quite good tonight. Then, I watched the end of Roswell. They are re-running it late on TV.

That's about it for me. Not much to say. I'll catch you tomorrow??

Night night!

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