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June 12, 2003 - Thursday

June 12, 2003 - Thursday

Sunny then rainy. The rainy season is upon us?

A pretty normal day. I was awakened again by Fumihiko at an ungodly hour! This time it was an accident. He was dreaming. In his dream he was running and fell. He put out his hand to stop himself and ended up hitting my arm. I woke up and he mumbled an explanation before he went back to sleep! Luckily I got back to sleep soon after.

I didn't do any exercise or walking today, I'm a bit sorry to say. I was tired so I slept. It was good!

Work was okay. I had one class not show up and a few people didn't come to class, but generally it was okay. In my child class today we ate some food...just cheese and cookies (for him) but it was nice. We'd been studying food for a while so it seemed appropriate to have some food too. I finished a bit late tonight but Fumihiko didn't call me until late so it was okay.

He picked me up at the school and we went to Gusto for dinner. It was okay. I had my usual, mixed grill, with the addition of drink bar and tofu. Yum. I never would have thought a few years ago that I would actually like herb tea. I love peppermint tea and rose tea too.

We came home and talked for a while. Fumihiko has just gone to bed because he's really tired and we have to get up early in the morning. Sigh. I should get off the computer and go to bed too! But, tomorrow is...Friday the 13th. Yikes! Scary. I hope to see you tomorrow night!!!


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