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Sunday, June 15, 2003

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Cloudy but warm.

Apologies to all of my loyal readers. I had computer troubles followed by a night stay in my apartment. It took me a while to get my computer up and running again. It seems to be okay now, but I'm not holding my breath or anything!

Saturday at work was a bit busy. I had a party after work with some of my students. It was fun and we all had a good time. After that, Fumihiko and I went out for karaoke. We only sang for an hour, but it was good fun. I tried a bunch of songs that I hadn't tried before. The last one I sang I have tried before, but it's really difficult, The Rose, a la Bette Midler. I think I did it quite well. Certainly the best that I've ever sung it before!

Today we had a nice long lie-in at the apartment and then went out for lunch. We went to Simon where we had some nice French food. I had fish and Fumihiko had steak. It was great. Then, we drove to Sakata to pick up Jon. He's a teacher with my company in Sakata. He'd asked Fumihiko to take him out to look at cars. Honestly, I tried to beg out of it. I like cars about as much as I like dental work, but Fumihiko begged me to come too.

We drove to a few places to look at cars. Jon has some definite ideas and prices in mind so it was a bit difficult to find what he wanted. Still, I think he was impressed by the dealerships. We got coffee at 2 places, one of which didn't even have any cars that were in his price range. Another place offered us kakigori a mixture of shaved ice and syrup. We said no to that, but they gave us some strange pop to take with us! We drove Jon back to Sakata and then went out for dinner.

We went to Edoichi which may have been a mistake for me as I'm sick again. However, in fairness, I don't know if it's because of that restaurant or not. It could be the nuts I ate yesterday.

When we came home I played around on my computer and tried really hard to fix it. However, nothing worked so I decided to re-install the operating system. That seems to have worked because I'm now able to write this entry! Before it was getting stuck in the start up process. Annoying that!

Anyway, I'm off to sleep soon. It was a good day, except I forgot to try and get my hair cut! Hopefully next weekend! Night night for now.

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