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June 16, 2003 - Monday

June 16, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy and warm.

I had a mostly good day. I went to the apartment this morning, took out my garbage then went for a walk. Unfortunately I found that my iPod had totally run down and I couldn't listen to any music today. That was quite sad, but I had a good walk anyway. I walked a new route. I don't think it'll be a favourite, but it's not bad or anything! I went home, did my pilates and then I went to sleep. Yep. For 2 hours or more, I slept. I didn't set any alarm or anything, but it was okay.

When I got up I started making my breakfast and doing laundry. I had to leave before 3 to catch the bank. I needed to pay a bill. I got it done in time and when I was in the bank I got a call from Jon. I couldn't get to my phone in time, but when I got out of the bank I tried to call him back. It didn't work because he was calling my husband! Fumihiko called me and asked me to go to Mikawa Mall to meet him because Jon wanted to look at a car again. I tried to get out of it, but I couldn't. I still had to do my groceries so I biked over to the grocery store and got some. I took them back to the apartment and then took the quickest shower I've ever taken in my whole life! I got dressed quickly and counted out the bus fare and made a bee line for the station. On the way I realized that I might be able to catch the bus quite close to my apartment, so I crossed the street and found a bus stop. I was in luck. The bus was due in a couple of minutes and I didn't have to go all the way to the station. Yay me!

I read my Stephen King on the bus. I'm reading Dreamcatcher. It's good, much better than the movie of course! When I arrived at the mall I went to the Jusco coffee shop and had an iced coffee and read some more. Around 5 I left the shop and went to wait for my husband to call. He called me and told me that he'd meet me in a few minutes. I told him that there weren't any cars at Mikawa anymore. That was one detail that Jon and him hadn't counted on! Fumihiko met me a few minutes later and then Jon called us. He decided to wait until next weekend since we didn't know where the car he liked was!

Fumihiko and I had nothing to do now! So, we went to the car and started driving back to Tsuruoka. I asked him if it would be okay if we went to the ocean. I haven't been for a while and I love it. We drove to Yunohama, parked the car and went for a walk. We went up to the water. The sun was starting to set and it was beautiful. We went back to the car and drove on to Kamo, where we go fishing. Not many people were fishing. By this time, we were getting a bit hungry so we decided to head back to Tsuruoka.

We went to Hyakkenbori again. It's a restaurant in the Keio University Campus. Our meal was great! Most of it was cooked right in front of us! We had pork shabu-shabu, tofu, grilled asparagus and beans, salad, soup. It was very yummy. It's quite an interesting meal. I like the restaurant. The view is great and the food is different enough to be interesting.

We came home and after a while I watched ER. It was okay tonight, but I think that next weeks will be great! Now I'm putting cds into my computer so I can put them onto my iPod. I checked last night and I have about 295 cds. I think that's bit low, but that's how many I have in my database on my old computer. Anyway, I'm off to bed soon. I hope that all is well with you. Take care!

Night night.

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