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Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Rainy morning, sunny afternoon.

I didn't get to do my walk this morning so I just went for a nap instead! Yep. Bad old me. No exercise today. Sigh.

Work was fine, except I had two no-show classes and that bugs me! One I was expecting, but the other I wasn't. I wore my blue suit today. I bought it about 3 years ago and I've never worn it before. Seriously! I got it and then when I wanted to wear it, it was winter so I couldn't. It has short sleeves so not too great for winter! I think I was close to outgrowing it last summer, but now it's miles too big for me. Still, I like it and it was very comfortable! Yay me.

After work I did up my paperwork and waited for Fumihiko to call me. When he did, we agreed to meet soon. Then, he took me out for dinner. Yay. We went to M's Dining. They've changed their menu again and it looks quite good. Tonight I had Japanese style chicken with mushrooms. It was good. I added on drink bar and soup bar and had a nice meal. They've changed some of the things in the drink bar too. I couldn't have them, but they look interesting. Fumihiko had Matcha au lait and Canadian Coffee. It has maple syrup in it so it's off limits for me.

We came home and now I'm writing this. I had a good day, except for the lack of exercise. I may have to go out anyway if the rain doesn't let up. I need to walk. I feel so much better when I can. Besides, I ve added a lot of songs to my iPod and I want to play them!

Night night!

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