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Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Cloudy but no actual rain.

A pretty good day today. In the morning I went for a walk and then I did my pilates. I think I got a good workout too. I didn't take a nap either. Yay me!

I wasn't too busy at work today. I only had a few classes but I got a lot of paperwork done so that was a good thing. I think that my classes went well.

I'm still reading Dreamcatcher. I really am enjoying it. It's better than the movie! I hate putting the book down.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. I had something new tonight. I had beef and veggie stir-fry. It was a little spicy and a lot nice! After dinner we came home and then watched Charmed. It was a strange one tonight, but it was a bit funny. Now I'm watching Roswell.

It was a pretty boring day. I hope that tomorrow will be better, don't you?

Night night!

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