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June 19, 2003 - Thursday

June 19, 2003 - Thursday

Hot and muggy, a bit of rain at night.

Today was busier than yesterday for me. At the apartment though, it wasn't! I took a nap instead of walking. Tsk Tsk. I read some more of my book, but I haven't finished it yet. Maybe tomorrow.

I was busy at work today. I had 6 lessons and a staff meeting. All the lessons went well I think. I did have a few no-shows too, but most of them let me know in advance so it was okay!

After work when I was doing my paperwork I put on my headphones and turned on my iPod. It was great. I got to listen to "Holding Out For a Hero" and "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" at work. I was singing along to them, but not out loud! If anyone saw me I'm sure they'd think I was quite crazy!

I rode my bike to the apartment where Fumihiko was waiting for me. He drove us home and then cooked dinner. I helped a bit, setting the table and putting out the salad. We had steak and salad with cabbage and mushrooms. Yummy.

Now we have to go to bed soon as Fumihiko has a very early morning. He has to start work an hour early so I'm sure he doesn't want me to stay up late either. And, I am pretty tired. This heat saps a lot of energy out of me. Even after 6 years I'm not used to it.

Nighty night!

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