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June 20, 2003 - Friday

June 20, 2003 - Friday

Sunny in the morning, rainy in the evening. Rainy and windy in the middle.

This morning came very early. We had to get up before 7 am so Fumihiko could get to work. Luckily we had both gone to bed early enough that it wasn't too bad.

At the apartment I vegged for a while by reading the rest of my book. I finally finished Dreamcatcher. I really enjoyed it. After that I went for a walk. I was listening to a group of songs that I had the computer put together by chance and they were great! It was such a great list that when it finished I was really surprised. That actually meant that I had walked for 30 minutes without knowing it! I walked a bit more and then went back to the apartment and did my pilates exercises. I got a cramp in my foot in the middle so I had to stop for a few minutes, but then I went back and finished them. After that I took a nap then did laundry and cooked breakfast. Not bad for a morning.

Work was pretty slow today. I only had 4 classes, but they went fairly well. I think the students were okay with them too.

After work I rode my bike to the apartment, picked up my laundry and then met Fumihiko. We went out for dinner. We went for yakiniku to Gyu-oh. It was really nice tonight. We both had soup. I like their egg soup. It's basically veggie soup with an egg dropped into it, but it's darn good.

We came home and shared a Diet Coke together. Late at night I can't drink a whole one by myself. Then I took my shower before Fumihiko for a change, and then he took his. I think he's going to go to sleep soon. He looks a bit tired and I think I'll be off to dreamland soon too.

Night night!

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